The Author

I am Charles Augustine “Austin” Rivera. When I wrote this blog I was serving as Associate Pastor of First United Methodist Church of Emporia, Kansas; I am now a Ph.D. student studying Ancient Christianity at Yale University.  I first became acquainted with Piers Plowman in a seminar at Duke Divinity School on the poem with David Aers.  William Langland’s poem is not only one of the great monuments of Christian literature, but also full of truth and power which speaks to many of our great struggles today as a church and as believers.  Even though Piers Plowman was written over six-hundred years ago, it is still a poem for our times.

These Lenten reflections are written to be devotional reading in the great season of repentance and I hope through the working of the Holy Spirit I may draw upon the great reservoirs of our poet’s wisdom and deliver to you some cup of cold spiritual water for the thirsty soul.  There is much in Piers Plowman to challenge and convict us and much also for our consolation.  Through Jesus Christ may both these blessings be abundant to all who read what is written here.

In Christ,

Austin Rivera

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